Ripping Wood with a Table Saw and How to Minimize Errors

When ripping wood with a table saw, you are prone to encountering a myriad of problems. These issues can range from annoying to dangerous.
Still, no matter how you measure it, using a table saw to rip your lumber is infinitely preferable to using a circular saw – especially on the jobsite.
Whether the problem is incorrect cuts, waste or injury, these mistakes can be minimized or avoided with some basic instructions, techniques and the right equipment.
Common Table Saw Ripping Errors
The most worrisome errors are binding, kickback and ejecting the wood stock. In a fraction of an instant, a table saw can eject a board straight at your face or another part of the body. This can potentially cause severe injury or even death.
Pinching the blade occurs when you’re almost through a cut and the weight of the cut segment causes the portion near the blade to lift off the cutting surface. This phenomenon also occurs when using a handheld circular saw. While ripping wood, your piece can push the saw blade back out of the cut, resulting in kickback. To avoid this problem, you need a means of supporting the wood.
Another common error is burning the wood with the friction of the saw blade. This can happen if you cut too slowly or if you stop mid-cut and restart. It can occur on thick pieces of lumber if your saw isn’t powerful enough to handle the cut at the correct speed. If you have a dirty or dull blade, or if you’re using the wrong blade on your saw, you’re much more likely to encounter burn. Incorrect blade height can also cause potentially deadly errors.
How to Avoid Errors with Your Table Saw Cuts.
A great place to start is making sure you have the right equiptment. For table saws we would recomend a dewault. The battery powered Dewaults have also come a long way in terms of longevity and power. If we are talking table saw stands than we are going to immediately point you to the CutHub.
A good thing to remember, esspecially if you're a begginer is that there are many differnet blade types for a multitude of materials. Make sure you are using the right tools for the job before ever ripping wood (or other materials) on your saw.
Many errors can occur depending on where your table saw is mounted. If you choose a uneven or rouch surface for your setup your table could wobble or shift. This results in incorrect cuts due to binding or bouncing of the wood.
Having a stable way to support the lumber that has already gone by the blade, like an outfeed table, is crucial for table saw cuts. It provides your board (especially the longer pieces) the stability it needs on a vertical plane to not bind or bounce as well.
In conlusion some of the ways of reducing errors include:
- Buying a high-quality saw and following the manufacturer’s instructions for its use.
- Using the right blades and making sure your blades are sharp are also important.
- Mount and place your table saw on an even surface.
- Having an outfeed table or support for the overhanging piece
A Great Place to Start
CutHub’s table saw stand setup solves all your problems in one sturdy, portable solution. One person can set it up, break it down and transport it easily from jobsite to jobsite.
Our customer reviews speak for themselves: CutHub improves safety, comfort and efficiency while reducing waste. You can have a new, inexperienced crew member making journeyman-level cuts in a matter of minutes. Because you can train faster and build faster, you can complete projects in record time. Our customers unanimously agree that CutHub pays for itself.
You’ll rip lumber more safely and accurately than you ever imagined. And, because the lumber stays on the same level, you’ll avoid troublesome pivot points.
Contact us today to request a quote, or to learn more about how the Cut Hub portable jobsite cut station can help you eliminate the potentially dangerous and costly errors that commonly occur when ripping wood on a table saw.