How to Set Up a Jobsite Cut Station for Framing

Jobsite efficiency for framing contractors is often linked to a jobsites cut station to help accurately lay out and assemble large jobs.
The right jobsite cut station allows framers to complete projects with quality and accuracy while reducing waste. Faster production as long as you’re not sacrificing quality and safety improves profitability and helps ensure customer satisfaction.
Logistics of Framing Efficiency on the Jobsite
Framing contractors need to produce expedient and accurate cuts while ensuring the safety of their crews and others.
The first priority for efficiency is locating your cut station as close as possible to the lumber. This helps minimize your steps and the need to move materials. But you also want a jobsite cutting station that sets up quickly (so that you can get to work as soon as possible) and tears down just as quickly — ideally doable by one person.
A good cutting station setup will also help you combine steps, such as measuring, marking and cutting. Finally, getting your miter saw on the same level as the stand will help eliminate binding and dropped boards.
How to Set Up an Efficient Jobsite Cut Station
Framers can be notorious for improvising their cutting stations on the jobsite. Two sawhorses and a sheet of plywood (or plywood placed directly on the ground) is a common practice. So is trying to make cuts on a stack of lumber.
But to get to become truly efficient and accurate, what contractors really need is a proper jobsite cutting station setup.
You can find lots of ideas and even plans for building your own jobsite cut station, but is a makeshift solution worth it? Besides, a site-built DIY cutting station won’t survive for your next project. If it does, you’ll have to take the time to disassemble it, pack up, transport it to the next job and start all over again.
CutHub Solves Your Jobsite Challenges
The CutHub portable jobsite workbench has every feature you could ever imagine — and more — to help improve your efficiency.
It’s light, durable and portable — one person can transport, unload and set up CutHub in about five minutes — and it has countless features that address virtually every challenge you have. The patent-pending measuring system with sliding brake stop takes the guesswork and hassle out of measuring, marking and cutting.
With fewer mistakes, you’ll not only increase your productivity, but you will also decrease waste. In addition, the CutHub puts your miter saw on the same level as your stand. This is so you and your crew can be even safer and more accurate.
We’re confident that once you see for yourself all that CutHub has to offer, you’ll recognize its value for your framing business. Call or visit us online today for more information. As jobsite cut stations go, you can’t beat CutHub!